This data set is a record of soil temperature and volumetric water content (soil moisture) on two upland mineral soil hillslopes at the Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF) in Itasca County, Minnesota. These data are collected as part of the long-term monitoring program at the S2 catchment, which has 6.5 ha of upland mineral soil that surrounds a central 3.2 ha peatland. Soil temperature and moisture are recorded every 10 minutes since 2008 at S2S, a north-facing hillslope that is south of the S2 bog. Measurements at S2N, a south-facing hillslope that is north of the S2 bog, began during 2009. Measurements were recorded at two depths at each of three different relative positions (downslope, mid-slope, and upslope) on the two hillslopes. The MEF is operated and maintained by the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station.