Data Table Data: Name: Green Valley water chemistry data, 2019 Description: This data table contains the summer water column total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, total nitrogen, and nitrate concentrations for Green Valley lake, a reservoir in southwestern Iowa, USA. These data were compiled from research conducted by the Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory. Number of Records: 66 Number of Columns: 11
Table StructureObject Name: 2019_gv_nutrients.csv Size: 2461 bytes Authentication: 8238788120514a2f72961f26d636d84e
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Table Column Descriptions Column Name: year doy sampleDepth SRP_ugL flagSRP TP_ugL flagTP TN_mgL flagTN NOx_mgL flagNOx Definition: Sampling year (2019) Julian day of year when water samples were collected The water depth at which samples were collected as a grab sample (0.25) or using a Van Dorn sampler (2, 4, 6) Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus Data flag for soluble reactive phosphorus Concentration of total phosphorus Data flag for total phosphorus Concentration of total nitrogen Data flag for total nitrogen Concentration of nitrate Data flag for nitrate Storage Type: float float float float string float string float string float string Measurement Type: ratio ratio ratio ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal ratio nominal Measurement Values Domain: Unit nominalYear Type natural Min 2019 Max 2019
Unit number Type natural Min 143 Max 273
Unit meter Type real Min 0.25 Max 6
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min 1.95 Max 882.25
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code b Definition below detection limit; value set to the long-term method detection limit Source
Code Definition Code m Definition no sample collected Source
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min 41.75 Max 402.75
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code m Definition no sample collected Source
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min 0.9154 Max 5.96
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code m Definition no sample collected Source
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min 0.03 Max 2.33
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code b Definition below detection limit; value set to the long-term method detection limit Source
Code Definition Code m Definition no sample collected Source
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: Green Valley phytoplankton size, 2019 Description: This data table contains phytoplankton size measurements, expressed as the greatest axial linear distance or the greatest distance across an individual cell, colony, or filament (i.e., natural unit), such as would be encountered by a zooplankton grazer. Phytoplankton samples were collected across the summer of 2019 in Green Valley Lake. Number of Records: 874 Number of Columns: 4
Table StructureObject Name: 2019_gv_phytoplankton-gald.csv Size: 29672 bytes Authentication: 631afeaa86ddd013bd9fc9ad851e74d4
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Table Column Descriptions Column Name: doy genus division gald Definition: Julian day of year of sample (2019) Phytoplankton taxonomic grouping. Phytoplankton were identified to genus or closest phylogenetic division. Phylogenetic division of the identified phytoplankton taxa Phytoplankton greatest axial linear distance (GALD) or the greatest distance across an individual cell, colony, or filament (i.e. natural unit), such as would be encountered by a zooplankton grazer Storage Type: float string string float Measurement Type: ratio nominal nominal ratio Measurement Values Domain: Unit number Type natural Min 143 Max 251
Definition Phytoplankton taxonomic grouping. Phytoplankton were identified to genus or closest phylogenetic division.
Definition Phylogenetic division of the identified phytoplankton taxa
Unit micrometer Type real Min 0.625 Max 337.5
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: Green Valley zooplankton body size as body length and body mass, 2019 Description: This data table contains phytoplankton size measurements, expressed as the greatest axial linear distance, and zooplankton body length. Samples of zooplankton and phytoplankton were collected across the summer of 2019 in Green Valley Lake. Number of Records: 1137 Number of Columns: 5
Table StructureObject Name: 2019_gv_zoop_length-bodymass.csv Size: 49141 bytes Authentication: 23e6eef042b27ef11d9635751448c4b1
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Table Column Descriptions Column Name: doy taxon group length drymass Definition: Julian day of year of sample (2019) Zooplankton taxonomic grouping. Zooplankton were identified to genus for cladocerans and rotifers, order for copepods, and class for ostracods. Functional grouping of zooplankton taxa Individual zooplankton body length Individual zooplankton dry mass derived from length-mass regressions (McCauley, 1984; Dumont et al., 1975). Storage Type: float string string float float Measurement Type: ratio nominal nominal ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Unit number Type natural Min 143 Max 273
Definition Zooplankton taxonomic grouping. Zooplankton were identified to genus for cladocerans and rotifers, order for copepods, and class for ostracods.
Definition Functional grouping of zooplankton taxa
Unit micrometer Type real Min 36.8 Max 11215
Unit microgram Type real Min 0.000593482 Max 22.72148958
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: Green Valley water quality data, 2019 Description: This data table contains high frequency measurements of chlorophyll-a, phycocyanin, and dissolved oxygen concentrations; dissolved oxygen saturation, water temperature, pH, specific conductivity, and total dissolved solids in the surface waters of Green Valley lake during the summer of 2019. Number of Records: 12243 Number of Columns: 18
Table StructureObject Name: 2019_highfrequency_gv_EXO3.csv Size: 1203171 bytes Authentication: 9136f582238d1575ad578d67b125c7f1
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Table Column Descriptions Column Name: year doyfrac doy timefrac chl_rfu chl cond odo_sat odo_satlocal odo salinity spcond pc_rfu pc tds ph ph_mv temp Definition: Sampling year (2019) Fractional day of year (to show time of year and time of day) of sensor measurements. Julian day of year of sensor measurements. Fractional Julian day of year (to show time of day) of sensor measurements Chlorophyll-a pigment concentration Chlorophyll-a pigment concentration, calculated from relative fluorescence units Phycocyanin pigment concentration Phycocyanin pigment concentration, calculated from relative fluorescence units Conductivity Specific Conductance Dissolved oxygen percent saturation Dissolved oxygen saturation corrected for local pressure Dissolved oxygen concentration Salinity Total dissolved solids concentration pH pH electrical signal Water temperature Storage Type: float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float float Measurement Type: ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: Unit nominalYear Type natural Min 2019 Max 2019
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 134.5 Max 273.42
Unit number Type natural Min 134 Max 273
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 0 Max 0.99
Unit rawFluorescenceUnits Type real Min -0.16 Max 14.37
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min 12.53 Max 70.66
Unit rawFluorescenceUnits Type real Min 0 Max 481.8
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min 43.1 Max 256.1
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Type real Min 43.1 Max 256.1
Unit microsiemensPerCentimeter Type real Min 3.65 Max 21.04
Unit percent Type real Min 0 Max 0.25
Unit percent Type real Min 0 Max 509.7
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min -1.29 Max 30.99
Unit practicalSalinityUnity Type real Min 1.27 Max 28.07
Unit milligramPerLiter Type whole Min 0 Max 331
Unit dimensionless Type real Min 5.82 Max 11.24
Unit millivolt Type real Min -318 Max 13
Unit celsius Type real Min 13.668 Max 31.082
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: Green Valley phytoplankton community composition and biomass data, 2019 Description: This data table details phytoplankton community compositon and biomass concentrations for Green Valley Lake. Phytoplankton samples were a composite sample over four depths (0.25 m, 1 m, 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m) to the top of the thermocline. The sample was then mixed in a 20 L carboy Number of Records: 108 Number of Columns: 7
Table StructureObject Name: 2019_site4_gv_phydata.csv Size: 7669 bytes Authentication: c358112534d98e64111e5a1427deb750
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Orientation: column
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Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions Column Name: SAMPLE.ID LAKE.NO DIVISION TAXON TAXON_GROUPING BIOMASS.MG.L DOY Definition: Unique sample identifier for the ISU Limnology Lab database Unique lake identifier for the ISU Limnology Lab database Phylogenetic division of the identified phytoplankton taxa Phytoplankton taxonomic grouping. Phytoplankton were identified to genus or closest phylogenetic division. Genera or phyla of identified phytoplankton. Column used to separate and specify certain taxa of interest (e.g., Microcystis spp. from other cyanobacteria) based on their biomass contributions versus larger phylum groupings of less abundant species Biomass concentration of each phytoplankton taxon found in each sample. Julian day of year when water samples were collected Storage Type: string string string string string float float Measurement Type: nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal ratio ratio Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code G19041143451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041150451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041157451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041164451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041172451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041178451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041192451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041199451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041206451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041211451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041213451.cs Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041220451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041227451 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041245451.cs Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041251451.cs Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 041 Definition Green Valley Lake Source
Definition Phylogenetic division of the identified phytoplankton taxa
Definition Phytoplankton taxonomic grouping. Phytoplankton were identified to genus or closest phylogenetic division.
Definition Genera or phyla of identified phytoplankton. Column used to separate and specify certain taxa of interest (e.g., Microcystis spp. from other cyanobacteria) based on their biomass contributions versus larger phylum groupings of less abundant species
Unit milligramPerLiter Type real Min 7.3901e-05 Max 315.8591298
Unit number Type natural Min 143 Max 251
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods:
Data Table Data: Name: Green Valley zooplankton community composition, biomass, and density data, 2019 Description: This data table details zooplankton community composition, density, and biomass concentrations for Green Valley Lake. Zooplankton were sampled at the deepest point of each lake throughout the summers of 2018-2020. Organisms were identified to genus for cladocerans and rotiers, order for copepods, and class for ostracods. These data were compiled from research conducted by the Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory and the IDNR Ambient Lakes Monitoring Program. These data were compiled and QAQC-ed by Tyler Butts. Number of Records: 736 Number of Columns: 8
Table StructureObject Name: 2019_site4_gv_zoopdata.csv Size: 39996 bytes Authentication: 7424ec88fb4e8b21248f7f50d5bd5077
Calculated By MD5 Text Format:
Number of Header Lines: 1
Record Delimiter: \r\n
Orientation: column
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "
Table Column Descriptions Column Name: SAMPLE.ID LAKE.NO DOY TAXON BIOMASS.UG.L INDV.L BIOMASS.UG GROUP Definition: Unique sample identifier for the ISU Limnology Lab database Unique lake identifier for the ISU Limnology Lab database Julian day of year when water samples were collected Zooplankton taxonomic grouping. Zooplankton were identified to genus for cladocerans and rotifers, order for copepods, and class for ostracods. Biomass concentration of each zooplankton taxon found in the sample. Density estimates of each zooplankton taxon found in each sample Dry mass estimate of each zooplankton taxon found in each sample Functional grouping of zooplankton taxa Storage Type: string string float string float float float string Measurement Type: nominal nominal ratio nominal ratio ratio ratio nominal Measurement Values Domain: +/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code A19041211410 Definition Ambient Lake Program, Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041143410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041150410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041164410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041171410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041178410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041192410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041199410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041206410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041213410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041220410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041227410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041234410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041245410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041251410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
Code Definition Code G19041273410 Definition Green Valley Lake,Year, Lake ID for Green Valley Lake, Day of Year, sampled at the deep hole Source
+/- Allowed Values and DefinitionsEnumerated Domain Code Definition Code 041 Definition Green Valley Lake Source
Unit number Type natural Min 143 Max 273
Definition Zooplankton taxonomic grouping. Zooplankton were identified to genus for cladocerans and rotifers, order for copepods, and class for ostracods.
Unit microgramPerLiter Type real Min 0 Max 165.9325825
Unit numberPerLiter Type real Min 0.044247788 Max 174.5722714
Unit microgram Type real Min 0 Max 21.20257117
Definition Functional grouping of zooplankton taxa
Missing Value Code: Accuracy Report: Accuracy Assessment: Coverage: Methods: