These methods, instrumentation and/or protocols apply to all data in this dataset:Methods and protocols used in the collection of this data package |
Description: | Metabolism data collection:
Metabolism estimates were based on changes in dissolved O2 measured over 24 h periods. In P1, trays of streambed substrata (337 cm2, 5 cm deep, 60 per reach) were incubated in situ. Metabolism measures were made on from 1 to 3 days per week by transferring one or more trays to clear acrylic chambers (22 L; 68.5 cm long x 30.5 cm wide x 14 cm deep) equipped for water recirculation (Teel Model IP598 submersible pumps, Dayton Electric, Chicago, IL). The chambers were located in water jackets on the streambank supplied with stream water to maintain near-ambient water temperature. After sealing the chamber, dissolved O2 concentrations were measured with a Model 60 flow-through probe (previously calibrated to Winkler dissolved O2 determinations) inserted in the recirculation line coupled with a Model 300 meter (Rexnord, Malvern, PA) and recorded on a strip chart recorder (Speed-o-Max M, Leeds and Northrop, North Wales, PA). To prevent O2 supersaturation as needed, the water jacket was covered with black plastic for 1 h and data for the preceding and succeeding hours were averaged and substituted for the hour the chamber was covered as data were processed. At the end of each run (beginning in September 1972), from 4 to 10 periphyton samples (10.2 cm2 x 0.5 cm deep) were scraped or cored from substrata for chlorophyll a determination and trays were returned to the stream for continued incubation. From one to three chambers were used per day. Chambers were scrubbed between use and recirculation lines were changed and boiled in water each week.
In P2 metabolism was measured in situ for 3 – 11 days during warm and cold seasons using open-system methodology. Model 600XL sondes (YSI, Inc., Yellow Springs, OH) coupled with a CR-500 data logger (Campbell Scientific, Logan, UT) in weatherproof housing (Rapid Creek Research, Boise, ID) or YSI Model 600XLM sondes with internal logging capability were used for continuous dissolved O2 monitoring. Probes were calibrated in water-saturated air and a sonde was positioned at the up- and down-stream end of each reach. Dissolved O2 and temperature data were logged every 15 min for up to 11 days. Reaeration was determined from a propane injection (Marzolf et al. 1994, 1998, Young & Huryn 1998) with bromide as a conservative tracer (Bott et al., 2006b), or from geomorphic and hydraulic variables (Owens et al., 1964; Tsivoglou & Neal, 1976) in seven cases. Quality control checks included incubation of sondes at a single location before and after each measurement series and, starting in 2000, daily checks of probe performance using an additional sonde and meter.
| Instrument(s): | Teel Model IP598 submersible pumps (Dayton Electric, Chicago, IL)
Model 300 meter (Rexnord, Malvern, PA)
Strip chart recorder (Speed-o-Max M, Leeds and Northrop, North Wales, PA)
Model 600XL sondes (YSI, Inc., Yellow Springs, OH)
CR-500 data logger (Campbell Scientific, Logan, UT) |
| Description: | Metabolism data analysis:
Diel rate-of-change curves were created from hourly changes in dissolved O2 (24 values per day in P1, 96 values per day in P2; Bott, 2006). Rate of change in dissolved O2 during pre-dawn and post-sunset hours were averaged and the mean multiplied by 24h to obtain a daily respiration rate (R24). Net change of dissolved O2 during the photoperiod was determined and respiration during the photoperiod added to that value to obtain gross primary productivity (GPP). Net daily metabolism (NDM = GPP – R24; alternatively, net ecosystem productivity) and the P/R ratio (GPP/R24) were computed. Data from days with more than one chamber measurement in P1 were averaged, first for riffle or pool habitat, and then over habitat, to generate estimates of reach metabolism.
For P2, the 2-station analytical procedure (Bott 2006, after Owens, 1974) was used except where data quality precluded its use, in which case the single station approach using data from the downstream sonde was applied (approx. one-third of the data sets). Night and day were differentiated by a PAR value of 2 µmol quanta photons.m-2.s-1 was used to differentiate night and day except when a higher value was needed to account for bright moonlight. Groundwater augmented flow within the Meadow 2 reach in January and February. GPP and R24 were corrected (McCutchan et al., 2002; Hall & Tank, 2005) using groundwater dissolved O2 measured in two nearby wells (8.60 mg.L-1).
| Description: | Environmental data measurements:
Flow data were obtained from a continuously recording gauging station located ~ 60 m downstream from the bottom of the Meadow reach in P1 or from bromide dilution measured during propane injections in P2.
Water temperature was monitored using a Taylor thermograph (P1) or thermistors on the YSI sondes (P2).
Light was measured as total solar radiation during P1 and as above-water photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) during P2. A recording pyranometer (Model 8-48, Eppley, Newport, RI) located in near the Meadow reach and a recording pyroheliometer (Model 5-3850, Belfort Instruments, Baltimore, MD) installed at the Forested reach in September 1973 were used in P1. In P2, a quantum sensor (Model 190, LI-COR, Lincoln, NB) located mid-stream at each the end of the reach and data were logged to LI-COR Model 1400 data loggers.
Total solar radiation data for P1 were converted to an approximation of PAR by regressing PAR (mol quanta photons.m-2.d-1) against total radiation (“Energy” expressed as Mjoules.m-2.d-1) using data obtained by simultaneously monitoring total solar radiation and PAR with LI-COR sensors, Model 200-SA pyranometer and Model 190 quantum, respectively. For the Meadow, the equation used was: PAR = 1.933 Energy (R2 = 0.99, n=14 days). Two regressions were used for the Forested reach. The first (PAR = 1.83 Energy (R2 = 0.98, n=9 days) was applied to data collected between November 1 and May 9. It was based on data ranging from 1.5 to 9.2 MJoules.m-2.d-1collected in a greenhouse under neutral density screening. The other (PAR = 1.30 Energy, R2 = 0.90) was applied to data collected for the rest of the year when trees were leafed out and selective removal of photosynthetically active wavelengths occurred. It was based on data collected over 52 days in mid-summer with PAR sensors and an Eppley pyranometer moved sequentially to five locations under the forest canopy.
Chlorophyll samples were extracted overnight in buffered acetone in the dark at ≤4° C. Chlorophyll a was determined spectrophotometrically (Lorenzen, 1967). For P1, reach averaged estimates were produced as detailed for metabolism data. For P2, sample collection prior to 2000 followed Bott et al. (2006b). From 2000 on, periphyton cover types amounting to ≥ 10% of those seen through a viewing bucket at 200 locations in the reach (10 lateral points on 20 transects) were sampled and processed as described in Bott et al. (2006a) and analyzed as in P1. Chlorophyll estimates per m2 for each cover type were weighted for the proportion of the reach with that cover type and summed for a reach estimate.
Water chemistry was monitored at approximately weekly intervals. NH4+ was determined using the phenol –hypochlorite procedure (Solorzano, 1969) and the phenate procedure (EPA method 350.1) in P1 and P2, respectively; NO3- by chromotropic acid procedure (Am. Public Health Assoc. [APHA], 1971) in P1 and the cadmium reduction technique (EPA method 353.2) in P2; total alkalinity by methyl orange titration in P1 (APHA 1971) and Gran titration in P2 (EPA Method 310.1); and the following analyses during both periods: SiO2 (EPA method 370.1), SO42+ (EPA method 375.4), Cl- (EPA method 325.3) and PO43- (EPA method 365.1). EPA methods are found in U.S. EPA (1993). Cations were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry during P1 and by EPA method 200.7 during P2. pH was measured with a meter.
Days since storm of indicated thresholds were determined by counting back from the day of measurement to the day of storm of the indicated size.
| Instrument(s): | Model 600XL sondes (YSI, Inc., Yellow Springs, OH)
Recording pyranometer (Model 8-48, Eppley, Newport, RI)
Recording pyroheliometer (Model 5-3850, Belfort Instruments, Baltimore, MD)
Quantum sensor (Model 190, LI-COR, Lincoln, NB) |
| Description: | For more information: field procedures, analytical methods and data analyses are detailed in Bott, T.L. & J.
D. Newbold, 2023. A multi-year analysis of factors affecting ecosystem metabolism in forested and meadow reaches of a Piedmont Stream. Hydrobiologia
| Description: | Bibliography for Method Steps:
American Public Health Association [APHA], 1971. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. American Public Health Association, New York.
Bott, T. L, 2006. Primary productivity and community respiration. In: Hauer, F. R. & G. A. Lamberti (eds), Methods in Stream Ecology, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam: 663-690.
Bott, T. L., D. S. Montgomery, J. D. Newbold, D. B. Arscott, C. L. Dow, A. K. Aufdenkampe, J. K. Jackson & L. A. Kaplan, 2006a. Ecosystem metabolism in streams of the Catskill Mountains (Delaware and Hudson River watersheds) and Lower Hudson Valley. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25: 1018 - 1044.
Bott, T. L., J. D. Newbold & D. B. Arscott, 2006b. Ecosystem metabolism in Piedmont streams: Reach geomorphology modulates the influence of riparian vegetation. Ecosystems 9: 398-421.
Hall, R. O., Jr. & J. L. Tank, 2005. Correcting whole-stream estimates of metabolism for groundwater inputs. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 3: 222-229.
Lorenzen, C. J., 1967. Determination of chlorophyll and pheopigments: Spectrophotometric equations. Limnology and Oceanography 12: 343-346.
Marzolf, E. R., P. J. Mulholland & A. J. Steinman, 1994. Improvements to the diurnal upstream-downstream dissolved oxygen change technique for determining whole-stream metabolism in small streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51: 1591-1599.
Marzolf, E. R., P. J. Mulholland & A. J. Steinman, 1998. Reply: improvements to the diurnal upstream-downstream dissolved oxygen change technique for determining whole-stream metabolism in small streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55: 1786-1787.
McCutchan, J. H., Jr., J. F. Saunders III, W. M. Lewis, Jr. & M. G. Hayden, 2002. Effects of groundwater flux on open-channel estimates of stream metabolism. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 321-324.
Owens, M., 1974. Measurements on non-isolated natural communities in running waters. In: Vollenweider, R. A. (ed), A Manual on Methods for Measuring Primary Production in Aquatic Environments. IPB Handbook 12, 2nd ed. Blackwell, Oxford: 111-119.
Owens, M., R. W. Edwards & J. W. Gibbs, 1964. Some reaeration studies in streams. International Journal of Air and Water Pollution 8: 469-486.
Solorzano, L., 1969. Determination of ammonia in natural waters by the phenolhypochlorite method. Limnology and Oceanography 14: 799-801.
Tsivoglou, H. C. & L. A. Neal, 1976. Tracer measurement of reaeration: III. Predicting the reaeration capacity of inland streams. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 489: 2669-2689.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [US EPA], 1993. Determination of inorganic substances in environmental samples. EPA-600/R-93-100.
Young, R. G. & A. D. Huryn, 1998. Comment: improvements to the diurnal upstream-downstream dissolved oxygen change technique for determining whole-stream metabolism in small streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55: 1784-1785.