Plant demography is a function of both the vital rate characteristics of a species (i.e., survival, growth, and reproduction) and the environmental factors that interact with them to create population dynamics. A more detailed understanding of how local-scale environmental factors and variation in individual vital rates shape population-level demographic patterns is needed to improve predictions of population responses to environmental change and implement successful plant conservation strategies. In this study, we examined how individual vital rates for Shortia galacifolia, an endangered, evergreen herb endemic to the southern Blue Ridge Mountains, USA, change as a function of individual size and resource availability and how that variation affects Shortia demography at four sites representing natural and introduced populations using integral projection models (IPMs). We found that Shortia population growth is positively related to individual size and soil moisture. Changes in soil moisture availability altered the importance of survival and growth in predicting Shortia demography but did not affect the contribution of asexual reproduction for most sites. Moreover, changes in vital rate contributions under a low soil moisture scenario were limited to introduced populations growing outside Shortia’s natural climate envelope. Our study underscores the importance of quantifying the influence of individual state characteristics and environmental variables on different vital rates among natural and introduced populations and demonstrates how the combination of these factors can contribute to the success or failure of rare plant populations.