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  • The Effects of Vegetation Composition on the Abundance, Species Diversity and Activity of Birds on the Jornada Basin,1997
  • Huenneke, Laura; Jornada Basin LTER
  • 2012-07-11
  • Huenneke, L. 2019. The Effects of Vegetation Composition on the Abundance, Species Diversity and Activity of Birds on the Jornada Basin,1997 ver 77. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2025-01-04).

  • Changes in plant composition have the potential to cause disturbances in both structure and function throughout the ecosystem. One element of the ecosystem that can be affected is bird diversity and behavior. Certain species of birds depend more, or entirely, on habitats containing specific functional groups or species of vegetation. Habitat preferences in birds develop because of factors such as availability of food, nesting and perching locations, and cover.  Certain species of birds may be generalists while others use a small variety of plants due to strict habitat requirements. In this study we examine how different growth types of plants affect bird abundance, bird species diversity, and bird activity on the Jornada Basin. The experiment took place on the Biodiversity plots (25m X 25m)at the New Mexico State University Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center from June through August 1997. The site contained 6 blocks, each containing 8 treatments, including: control, perennial grass removal, reduced Larrea cover, reduced Prosopis cover, shrub removal, only a single dominant species of each growth form remaining, subshrubs removal, and succulents removal. The following data were recorded in each plot: species type, time spent in plot, type of vegetation utilized, presence of a pair or family group, and behavior. Behaviors recorded included perching, singing, calling, foraging on the ground, foraging in the vegetation, nesting , and preening. Birds were observed in each plot for periods of 35 minutes with a 10 minute acclimation period prior to the start of the observation period. The replications were done according to a predetermined schedule which was developed in such a manner so as to reduce sampling error as much as possible. This study is complete.

  • N: 32.7494871013      S: 32.4731725883      E: -106.692716261      W: -106.87288312
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Our protocol for data collection and processing seeks maximum interaction between researchers and data management personnel to avoid confusion and potential loss of data or problems with integrity of data; e.g., identification of historical site treatments that may impact a proposed study or incomplete data set variable descriptions. Site and Data Manager involvement begins during the Project Design phase with the completion of the Jornada Notification of Research form by the researcher prior to the start of work; this alerts both Site and Data Manager to the new study and potential LTER data sets. Upon initiation of a new study, the researcher completes Project Documentation that provides the second level of "metadata" documentation. In the Data Collection phase, the data manager helps researchers design field and laboratory data sheets that facilitate data entry and analysis. 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To facilitate quality assurance, the data manag ement staff will provide copies of data and documentation submitted by a principal investigator to that investigator upon request. The final responsibility for quality assurance (both in data and documentation content) rests with the principal investigator who submits the data for inclusion in the Jornada Basin LTER Information Management System. To facilitate quality assurance, the data management staff will provide copies of data and documentation submitted by a principal investigator to that investigator upon request. Policy on Submission of data: Data submission into JIMS is expected from LTER researchers, LTER collaborators, and their graduate students where data and information is derived from publicly funded research in the U.S. LTER Network, totally or partially from LTER funds from NSF, Institutional Cost-Share, or Partner Agency or Institution where a formal memorandum of understanding with LTER has been established. Other Jornada Basin researchers are encouraged to submit their documented data for inclusion within JIMS to provide them with an archived backup, ensure its longevity, and provide online access to encourage synthesis efforts. Minimally, for non-LTER associated researchers, we request that publications be provided of research conducted on the Jornada Basin. Initial documentation for a data set must be submitted to the Jornada Basin LTER data manager within 90 days of initiation of data collection. Documentation forms are available at . These consist of Project Abstract and Data Set and Attribute documentation forms, which include objectives of the study, methods, as well as format and content of the data. All data collected during a calendar year should be submitted to the Jornada Basin LTER data manager prior to July first of the following year. First time data submissions must be submitted with updated standard Jornada Basin LTER forms previously submitted. Data Access Policy: Data will be made publicly available no later than 2 years after submission of the data unless an earlier date is specified by the principal investigator. In the event that an extension of the 2 year period is necessary, the principal investigator may petition the Jornada Basin LTER Executive Committee for a longer protected period. Graduate student research data will be available online after degree completion and they have the opportunity to publish their research. Policies for re-use, distribution, or the production of derivatives: Data re-use, distribution and production of derivative products are governed by the LTER Network data policies ( in the spirit of having the potential to increase communication, collaboration and synthesis within and among disciplines. Appropriate citation, acknowledgement, notification and collaboration are outlined and recommended. No commercial redistribution of data and derived products are allowed. Data Acknowledgment Policy: Please send notification to the Information Manager ( and Responsible Investigator(s) of the data sets you are downloading and your intended use. Individuals and institutions utilizing data from the Jornada Basin LTER database are requested to place the following acknowledgment in any publication in which these data are mentioned: Data sets were provided by the Jornada Basin Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) project. Funding for these data was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant DEB-0618210). Please send 1 copy of any publication that cites Jornada Basin LTER data to: John P. Anderson Jornada Experimental Range P.O. Box 30003, MSC 3JER New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003-0003
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