Definition: | Time and date | Record from CR1000 | Average temperature | minimum hourly temperature | maximum hourly temperature | average relative humidity | maximum relative humidity | minimum relative humidity | average vapor pressure | average dew point | total solar radiation | average global solar radiation | average wind speed | wind direction | standard deviation wind direction | maximum wind speed | total rain accumulation | average barometric pressure | maximum barometric pressure | minimum barometric pressure | soil temperature at 10cm | average soil temperature at 100 cm | datalogger minimum battery voltage | average CO2 | ozone | snow depth sensor temperature | snow depth | snow depth sensor event recordings | soil moisture at 5 cm | soil water content at 15cm | ultraviolet B radiation | average ultraviolet temperature | ultraviolet A radiation | V2mv | V2mV | battery voltage | snow sensor temperature | upward facing global solar radiation | downward facing global solar radiation | upward facing far infrared radiation | downward facing far infrared radiation | sensor temperature | sensor temperature in kelvin | net shortwave solar radiation | net longwave solar radiation | albedo | upward total radiation | total irradiance by the ground | net total radition | average solar radiation | maximum solar radiation | minimum solar radiation | date |
Measurement Values Domain: | Format | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss | Precision | |
| | | | | | | | | | Unit | micromolePerMeterSquaredPerSecond | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | meterPerSecond | Type | real |
| Unit | milePerSecond | Type | real |
| Unit | milePerSecond | Type | real |
| Unit | meterPerSecond | Type | real |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Unit | volumetric soil water content | Type | real |
| Unit | volumetric soil water content | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| | Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| | | | | Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| | | Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | wattPerMeterSquared | Type | real |
| Unit | micromolePerMeterSquaredPerSecond | Type | real |
| Unit | micromolePerMeterSquaredPerSecond | Type | real |
| Unit | micromolePerMeterSquaredPerSecond | Type | real |
| Format | YYYY-MM-DD | Precision | |